Introducing Five-Dollar Shipping & FREE SHIPPING!
FIVE-DOLLAR shipping on orders above $100 and FREE-SHIPPING $250 to All North American Addresses
In an effort to make 2019 the best year ever, I've introduced a new shipping policy: FIVE-DOLLAR shipping on orders above $100 and FREE-SHIPPING on orders above $250. If the cost of shipping on Skiwax.ca was the sticking point causing you to have second thoughts on purchasing, perhaps it's a good time to reevaluate? (The new shipping rates only apply to North American addresses) As always, feedback on the new shipping policy or any other constructive criticisms or creative ideas is much appreciated! Let the FREE-SHIPPING experiment begin!
Did you order something earlier this year or last year? Have you claimed your bonus items from your previous order? If your answer was "Yes" to the first question, and "No" to the second, boy are you ever lucky: YOU HAVE BOUNS ITEMS WAITING FOR YOU! Repeat customers can get a bonus item worth 10% of their previous order. The bonus item can be anything currently in stock! If you haven't bought anything yet you get bonus items based on the size of your first order! With Five-dollar shipping and bonus items waiting, I hope you're encouraged to shop, shop, shop on Skiwax.ca!